"When thinking about supporting more women through their recovery journey, I thought a lot about my own experience of gambling harm. I had successfully abstained from gambling but still struggled with other areas of my life such as self-confidence, social interaction, making friends, overcoming feelings of isolation and my employment at the time. And I didn't know where to go for help with these things.

The EPIC Restart Foundation was the place I found the support I so needed.  

Going back to this experience is my motivation for working with the Foundation to develop a programme for women to take the next step in their lives and their recovery journey. To make sure all women have the support they need to take back their lives after gambling harm.  

Whilst I have my own experience, I understand that every woman has different circumstances, needs and areas of their recovery they would like support in. At the Foundation we believe there is only one way to understand what women would like as further support with their recovery... TO ASK THEM! To ask the women themselves, use their voices, listen to their ideas and to build a programme around their needs.  

So that's exactly what we did.  

And with the valuable input from women who have experienced gambling harm, we believe we can now develop with our partners an inclusive, accessible and far-reaching support programme for women in recovery from gambling harm." 
Created by Lived Experience, for lived experience.


EPIC Restart Foundation is a registered charity no 1192907 Registered Office: Suite 2, Northern Diver Building, Appley Bridge, WN6 9AE
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