EPIC Community Events
In our EPIC community online events we had 3 great speakers come and deliver sessions for us.
Colin Bland was the first speaker who spoke about his journey of recovery which wasn't always plain sailing. He also spoke about how he is now using his lived experience to help others as a Peer Aid Coordinator at BetKnowMore.
Our second speaker was Colin Walsh, Colin is Lived Experience Manager at GamCare. Before that role Colin worked in recruitment and delivered a great session on CV writing and applying for jobs. The session was received well and all those who attended took something away from the session.
The third speaker this month was Paul Findlay MBE, Paul shared his journey of adversity that had us all gripped from the first minute. Paul's courage, resilience and passion was so inspiring for all who listened and showed what is possible in recovery if you find a passion and purpose. Paul received an MBE for fundraising and has currently raised just short of £1million.
All of these sessions are available to watch to all our community members in The EPIC Zone of the website.

The Cumbria Experience
September also saw the foundation head back to Coniston copper mines for our 8th Cumbria Experience. This time we took our biggest group for what was another amazing experience for those in attendance.
One delegate said, "I expected the event to be predominantly physical activities and living in dormitories with a large number of people and almost a survival week. The reality was that it was a far deeper, inspirational and well-balanced week with learning, physical challenges and allowed me to push myself out of my comfort zone whilst being supported by a great team of mentors and the tiger team. The accommodation was outstanding and we were catered for completely which allowed us to bond as a group and made some good friends in only a few days. I learnt more about myself and what I want for my future in 3 full days than I have ever".
Once again, another life changing event for so many of those in attendance.

Turning Challenges into Stepping Stones for Success
We headed to Lancaster for this 1-day event with coach and speaker Brad Waldron. Brad's workshops are always of the highest quality, and this did not disappoint.
The session looked at how delegates could manage their thoughts and feeling, build resilience and manage certain beliefs. Two things said on the day really stood out for me "your past does not define your future" and "nothing has any meaning other
than the meaning you attach to it".
One delegate said:
"Brad just delivered the session so well. The topics covered really helped me and added value to my recovery"
Once again feedback on the event was brilliant and we look forward to more sessions with Brad in October.

Woman. Empowered
September also saw the start of our Woman. Empowered pilot programme for a small group of women run by our very own Stacey Goodwin.
The programme has been created following a consultation period with women where over 140 women completed a questionnaire giving us feedback on what they would like support with. From the findings we have created a 12-week programme covering a range of topics including managing relationships to relapse prevention.
We look forward to seeing the outcome of the pilot and using the finding to help us shape our programmes as we move forward.
As well as the events our team of lived experience mentors have been delivering one to one session’s helping people to set goals, take action and overcome some of the challenges of recovery with a plan and conviction.
Altogether they have had over 70 one to one sessions in September.

Pride of Britain
Stacey Goodwin also won a regional Pride of Britain and will now be heading to the national final. Read more about that here.