Adam’s Story
Adam was referred to the Foundation after treatment for severe gambling addiction. He had come to terms with his addiction and traumatic life events but was fearful of the future.
Our mentor Steve helped Adam to look at ways to gain some qualifications and improve his life. Taking his own experience of re-starting his life after severe gambling harm, Steve helped Adam think about applying for a job. Together they worked through the Toolkit modules and discussed a route to education and qualifications.
The Foundation’s Cumbrian Experience and Building Better Lives workshops gave Adam a massive lift. He felt ready to start making positive changes in his life. He completed a CV and application letters, enrolled in free education courses and is currently completing level 3 Maths. Adam applied for a job for the first time in over 10 years – and secured an interview. He is also planning to share his lived experiences to help support ex-offenders.
With Steve’s mentoring support, and the support of the Foundation, Adam has found the confidence and sense of purpose that has been missing in his life for a very long time.

Ben's Story
Ben’s long term gambling addiction led to a breakdown in family relationships. Ben was living in halfway house accommodation and was referred to the Foundation after receiving treatment for his gambling disorder. Ben has struggled, not being in work and living a long way from his children, leaving him feeling isolated and lacking a sense of purpose or clear future direction.
The Foundation’s Programme has re-kindled Ben’s love of sport and the outdoors. We have helped him to find a more positive mind set to tackle life’s challenges, including securing new housing. Ben’s mentor Mark has helped him to re-focus on his education and he has recently been accepted on a university course.
Ben has been using the tools and skills from our Programme to re-build his resilience and self-belief. With his mentor’s support, Ben now feels able to propel his life forward and achieve his goals. He is slowly re-building his family relationships and hopes to secure a job helping others, with the aid of his degree.

Carter’s Story
Carter’s military career and his high-risk protection work around the world had left him with very poor mental and physical health. Carter was referred to the Foundation after receiving treatment for a severe gambling disorder. Carter was not in work, was suffering from stress and anxiety and had become estranged from his family because of his addiction.
With his mentor’s help, Carter started to tackle the practical challenges he faced - securing employment, housing, and transport. He has secured a new job which he loves and has been able to discuss his situation openly and honestly with his new employer – something which Carter says he could not have envisaged doing before he came on the Foundation’s Programme.
With his mentor’s support, Carter has used the ‘Building Better Lives’ workshop to create a positive action plan to underpin his recovery. He has been able to begin tackling the difficult family issues, has seen his child for the first time in years and is now able to pay child support. With the help of the Foundation, Carter has a renewed confidence in himself and has been able to take the first steps towards a positive future for himself and his family – with a lot more tools in his toolbox to tackle life’s challenges ahead